

Founded in the year 2016 by a young and dynamic Cross Training Fitness Expert – Alexander V S, Bounce Fitness Studio, was formed on the foundation of an undying passion for Cross Training, fitness and lifestyle management. Bounce is the fitness hub for anyone, regardless of their age, gender or current lifestyle, keeping in mind the medical history as well. Cross training is a popular and proven concept of fitness, well adopted and practices across Europe and US. It is well known for its fun filled and non-monotonous moves.

The concept of Cross Training Fitness is no alien theory. It is nothing but, a well-studied and formulated blend of the very best moves from Cross Fit, Tabata, HIIT etc. to name a few, thereby meeting the needs of each individual keeping in mind their complete medical history.

With a well maintained and researched state of the art studio in the heart of the city, at Bounce, we strongly believe that the mantra to good health, is nothing but the acceptance of making fitness a part of your daily lifestyle and not just a regime. Our programmes are tailor made for each individual, after carefully understanding their needs and concerns, thereby enabling each person to carry out their work outs anywhere, anytime!

Our team ensures to have a strong focus on gym safety measures, close monitoring on work out moves, nutritional guidance and follow up. These principles have helped us in attaining a clientele with 100% satisfaction and results!

Weight Loss alone has never been our aim. We join our fitness enthusiasts on a journey which helps them discover a whole new perspective of a complete lifestyle change. Cross training helps an individual to maintain, develop and even bring back stability, strength and energy. Focusing on rehab individuals and helping them get back on track with their normal fitness regime has also been one of key focus areas which we take at most pride in.

The concept and methodology that inspired us in creating a welcoming atmosphere at Bounce, was purely to make sure that not one person who became a part of our fitness family, would discontinue their journey towards a new way of life. We make sure that everyone gets the right dosage of attention, personal care, motivation and comfort. So join the herd to experience a niche and soulful fitness journey. Remember – there are NO SHORT CUTS! It’s just YOU against YOU.